The Return of the King
Life had been surreal for a small band of men who watched their beloved leader unjustly treated for three years, horribly mangled, and ultimately crucified, buried, and miraculously raised from the dead. Along the way, He gave them and the Jewish people every reason...
The Ultimate Adversary
According to a Pew Research Center estimate, there were 1.8 billion Muslims in the world in 2015, or roughly 24 percent of the global population. A January 2018 article in The Baptist Record reported that Muslims are the fastest growing religion in America. They are...
The Edomite Adversary
By far the most aggressive group of antagonists against the Jews are the Edomite Arabs. They came from Esau. After Isaac and Ishmael grew to manhood, Abraham carefully sought a wife for His son, Isaac. He wanted to make sure that his son did not marry into the...
The Ishmaelite Adversary
To explain the origin and use of one group of divine antagonists against Israel, we must go back to a critical point in God’s Word. In order for God to keep His word to make from Abraham a great nation, He had to give him at least one son. Years went by. Abraham’s...
The Islamic Adversary
The Arabs and other enemies of Israel could have been far more successful in their campaigns against Israel if they could only get along among themselves. The wild “donkeyness” among them caused them to constantly fight each other. They had nothing to bind them...
Hanging on a Razor’s Edge
My studies in the Word recently have found me taking a deep dive into the book of Hebrews. Understanding the spiritual wind blowing on a group of Hebrews is more relevant now than ever before. The New Testament apostles and prophets, having moved out of Israel...
Hard Hearts
The setting was the shore of the Sea of Galilee. Mark said it was a desolate place (Mark 6:32). John added the that the feast of Passover was near (John 6:4). A huge crowd had followed Jesus and His disciples there. Jesus asked Philip a very powerful question: Where...
It’s All About Seed, 2
For background to this letter, see my blog, It’s All About Seed. You do not have to trust in your own power or knowledge to make God’s gospel effective – just present it clearly and depend upon the amazing power of God’s Word and the work of His Spirit. God seems to...
It’s All About Seed
I sense an urgency to pen this truth again. Why? Because Satan is the wisest and most beautiful creature that God created, and he is in the mind blinding business. “But even if our gospel is veiled [hidden] it is veiled [hidden] to those who are perishing, whose...
The Narrative of the Not Many’s (3)
“That dance” in Charleston, Mississippi (see "Narrative of the Not Many's, Part 1 and 2) was used by God to move me to Florida Bible College and to at last respond to the gospel of God’s wonderful grace. I learned quickly that I finally had a Father: a Father that...
How to Grow a Church
For hundreds of years God had worked almost exclusively through the Jews, but He had promised Abraham that all the nations of the earth would be blessed in him (Gen. 12:3). Centuries later, God revealed to Paul that Gentiles, former enemies of the Jews and strangers...
A Glimpse of “New-Clear” Information
If a man named Noah began building an ark today, people would doubtless think he had gone around the bend. I do not mean the Ark Encounter built by Ken Ham in Kentucky. I do not fault Ham for building and using the Ark for family purposes. It is his method of bringing...