It’s All About Seed, 2

For background to this letter, see my blog, It’s All About Seed.  You do not have to trust in your own power or knowledge to make God’s gospel effective – just present it clearly and depend upon the amazing power of God’s Word and the work of His Spirit. God seems to...

World Tyranny with a Divine Purpose

A believer in Jesus Christ blogging from a Christian worldview should recognize that truth is possible only when the Holy Spirit and His ministry of truth telling is involved. Jesus spoke these words concerning the Spirit’s ministry.  “However, when He, the Spirit of...

Two Sowers, Two Seeds

It is really hard to unpack the parables of Christ against the backdrop of a postmodern world, but think back with me. The Jews had rejected God’s King. At His first coming, Jesus Christ had given them more than enough proof that He was their Messiah. But the Jewish...

Age of Law vs. Age of Grace

I just finished reading the autobiography, Bibi: My Story. It is a look at the life of Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister of Israel. I enjoyed the book because it gave me some understanding of the government, politics, and scientific achievements of the tiny...

What I Remember and Why!

Recently my wife asked me what I remembered about my days at Dallas Theological Seminary, or “Dallas The Logical Seminary” as my son called it back in the day. Many memories began to immediately creep into my thinking. The pain of study. One syllabus was more than...