The Wolf Spider’s Brood

How did God react to the wolf spider building a kingdom of cities and the tower? “Come, let Us go down and confuse their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech” (Gen. 11:7). He forced the nations to spread out by changing their languages so they...

The Beginning of Paganism

I call Nimrod the wolf spider because the old spider (Satan) used him to introduce paganism to the world. Paganism is having an inordinate passionate relationship (a love affair) with God’s creation, at the expense of the invisible Creator. God tells us to enjoy His...

“Let Us Build for Ourselves a City”

The family of Noah became seventy nations and began to refill the earth. I am abruptly changing metaphors. I called Satan in our last post – the wolf spider. He now becomes “the old spider.” This old spider’s webs of deceit continued and flourished through a man named...