Hanging on a Razor’s Edge

My studies in the Word recently have found me taking a deep dive into the book of Hebrews. Understanding the spiritual wind blowing on a group of Hebrews is more relevant now than ever before. The New Testament apostles and prophets, having moved out of Israel...

Faith Like Abraham’s

More pondering from the Ponderosa! We are given forever life – justified before God – by faith alone in Christ alone.  Where did we ever get this idea? We must go back to the very first time this amazing truth surfaced. It came through one that has been called the...

God’s Promise to Abraham

Let’s ponder on some heavy thoughts today. God said to Abraham, “I am the Lord, who brought you out of Ur of the Chaldeans, to give you this land to inherit it” (Genesis 15:7).  It is as though God was saying, “Listen carefully, Abraham. I’m not going back on this.”...

Abraham’s Fear; God’s Faithfulness

The word that clearly defines Christ’s identity and the value of His work on the cross is the word grace. Grace is the good news that God in the person of Jesus Christ became our once-and-forever sin substitute on the cross of Calvary. How is it possible for sinful...

Father of the Faithful

Abraham was destined to become the father of the faithful. His life began millennia ago with God’s sovereign call. During Noah’s day, the Flood destroyed the earth and a sin-infected, genetically corrupt civilization. God’s plan to bring His promised Seed into the...

We Are to Live by Faith

We are to live by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). Abraham left his home in Chaldea to follow the living God by faith. He received his inheritance in Canaan by faith. He lived in a tent his entire life. Not much protection against rain, robbers, or critters...